17.02.2025 - Aluminyumcuyuz & Alüminyum üzerine güncel bilgiler

Intersolar 2024 will start on 17-19 January at San Diego USA

intersolar 2023 san diego usa exhibition will be started at 17 – 19 january 2024


Yazarın şu ana kadar yazılmış 147 makalesi bulunuyor.

Exploring the Future of Solar Innovation at Intersolar 2024 San Diego

Get ready for a dazzling showcase of cutting-edge solar technologies and sustainable energy solutions at Intersolar 2024 in San Diego! This premier solar exhibition brings together industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts from around the globe to delve into the latest advancements in solar power.

Taking place in the vibrant city of San Diego, known for its commitment to sustainability, Intersolar 2024 promises an immersive experience for attendees. From state-of-the-art solar panels to groundbreaking energy storage systems, the exhibition floor will be a playground for those passionate about shaping a greener future.

Participate in engaging discussions with experts, attend insightful workshops, and witness live demonstrations that highlight the potential of solar energy in addressing our world’s energy challenges. Intersolar 2024 is not just an exhibition; it’s a convergence of minds dedicated to accelerating the transition to clean and renewable energy sources.

As the sun sets on each day of the event, take advantage of networking opportunities, forging connections that can drive collaboration and propel the solar industry forward. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a curious individual eager to learn more about solar innovation, Intersolar 2024 in San Diego is the place to be.

In exhibition new technologies will be shown. Especially, we wait the fully automatic frameworks line by PromaX Machinery which have ability to make 12.000 pcs finished frame per day.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative event. Join us at Intersolar 2024 and be a catalyst for change in the world of solar energy!

MDK Series Drilling Tapping and Cutting Machineries for Solar Panel Mounting Rack Parts. This machine has ability to produce up to 35.000 pcs parts in a day.

Hope this captures the essence of the Intersolar 2024 San Diego exhibition for you!

EXHIBITOR NAME            Booth    Upgraded           Press Releases   Show Specials

               FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc.               1925                                  

               RAYZON SOLAR PRIVATE LIMITED             2301                                  

               Schletter NA, Inc.            3241                                  

               RENA Technologies GmbH           1540                                  

               Churod Americas, Inc.    2449                                  

               4 S.T.E.L. Engineering, Inc.           1846                                  

               ABC Supply        2505, 1831                                     

               Accuenergy (Canada) Inc.            2755                                  

               ACOPOWER       1449                                  

               Adaptiphy Energy Solutions Inc.               2924                                  

               Adhesives Research Inc.               2057                                  

               Advance Energy Inc.       1343                                  

               Advanced Test Equipment Corp.               839                                    

               AEE Solar Inc.    1052                                  

               AEROCOMPACT, Inc.       1642                                  

               Aeroseal             2450                                  

               Ageto, LLC          2941                                  

               Aggreko              949                                    

               Agic Energy North America, LLC.              138                                    

               AIMS Power       3550                                  

               Alexus Solar LLC               855                                    

               All Laser Print    2245                                  

               Allesun Industries Inc.    1701                                  

               Alliant Consulting            1322                                  

               Alliaverre Solar Glass      2142                                  

               Alpha ESS USA, Inc.         849                                    

               Alpha Solar Tech              2043                                  

               ALPS SOLAR SRL               1440                                  

               Alutex Group Inc             1119                                  

               American Energy Storage Innovations    2935                                  

               American Ground Screw, Inc.      835                                    

               American Products         340                                    

               Amphenol          3238                                  

               ANA, Inc.            945                                    

               ANAND EBEAM CABLES INDIA LIMITED 1744                                  

               Anchor Products LLC      1522                                  

               Anker Innovations           549                                    

               APA Solar Racking           2040                                  

               APsystems          235                                    

               Aptos Solar Technology 1152                                  

               AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG             2048                                  

               A-Rent Test Equipment, LLC        1947                                  

               Ascend Analytics             2049                                  

               Astrolabe Analytics, Inc.               2753                                  

               ATG Electronics                2840                                  

               Atkore Flexicon 2440                                  

               Aurora Solar      1625                                  

               Auto PV, LLC       2501                                  

               AutoField            3628                                  

               AXITEC, LLC        3235                                  

               Bachmann Electronic GmbH       2900                                  

               Bailey Specialty Cranes & Aerials              2244                                  

               Baja Carports     1835                                  

               Ballantyne Gear Fall Protection 3139                                  

               BASF Stationary Energy Storage GmbH   1055                                  

               Basor Electric    943                                    

               Bavarian Pavilion             2048                                  

               Blu Banyan         3229                                  

               BLUETTI              2813                                  

               Blymyer Engineers, Inc. 1425                                  

               Bohn and Dawson (BDI)               1654                    Press Releases  

               BOST Carbon Materials Co., Ltd 523                                    

               Boviet Solar       1725                                  

               Bretco   954                                    

               BREYER extrusion            743                       Press Releases  

               Brief Relief a division of American Innotek Inc.   1340                                  

               Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions          2835                                  

               BrightSpot Automation LLC         2140                                  

               BSL NEW ENERGY CO., LIMITED 515                                    

               Built Robotics    115                                    

               CAB Solar            1734                                  

               Caller ID Reputation       853                                    

               Camel Energy Inc.           2657                                  

               Canadian Solar (USA) Inc.            1615                                  

               Carhartt Company Gear               1735                                  

               Caterpillar Inc.   2700                                  

               CE LINK LIMITED              315                                    

               Chem Link          1321                                  

               ChikoUSA            1415                                  

               Chint Power Systems America Company               1917                                  

               Churod Americas, Inc.    2449                                  

               Citel Inc.              2542                                  

               Civ Robotics       538                                    

               Clean Energy Associates               734                                    

               Clean Solar Solutions America, LLC          3636                                  

               CleanFi.com       3630                                  

               ClearSource Energy Services       2053                                  

               CMBlu Energy, Inc.          2949                                  

               Coast Fuel Cards              2052                                  

               Construction Innovations            435                                    

               Contractors Edge             952                                    

               Coperniq Inc.     3340                                  

               Copperweld Bimetallics LLC        3135                                  

               Cornerstone Systems     1538                                  

               Cougar Creek Technologies, LLC.              2856                                  

               CPower Energy 2648                                  

               Current Renewables Engineering Inc.      1751                                  

               Customized Energy Solutions     3039                                  

               CW Energy USA Inc.        2410                                  

               CW Enerji           2410                                  

               Dakota Lithium 143                                    

               DEGSON TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.               2445                                  

               Dehui    715                                    

               DEMAC MACHINE CO., LTD.        2152                                  

               Derapi   3616                                  

               Diversified Business Communications     142                                    

               DONGGUAN DALY ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.            2548                                  

               Dongguan Rongke New Energy Technology Co., Ltd         125                                    

               Dongguan Ruilida New Energy Co., LTD 3150                                  

               Dongguan Runfu Polymer Materials Co., Ltd.      257                                    

               Dongguan Zwayn New Energy Co., Ltd. 320                                    

               Drone Drafting, LLC        3642                                  

               Dyn365Pros       1038                                  

               DYNESS               919                                    

               DynoRaxx           1845                                  

               Eagleview Technologies                1940                                  

               EarthEn               3614                                  

               EckPack Service GmbH & Co. KG               2142                                  

               EcoFasten, an Enstall Company 3440                    Press Releases  

               Ecoprogetti SRL                615                                    

               EcoSys Abatement LLC   221                       Press Releases  

               EG4 Electronics                2325                                  

               eGauge Systems LLC       1951                                  

               Electric Power Engineers             1644                                  

               Electriq Power   3148                                  

               ELETOPIA DIGITAL ENERGY AMERICA INC.            2439                                  

               Elite Power Solutions     2750                                  

               emnify 1221                                  

               EMUS    1219                                  

               Enact Systems   1034                                  

               Endliss Power Inc            2248                                  

               Endurans Solar 2142                                  

               EndurEnergy Systems, Inc.          2154                                  

               enerG Magazine              842                                    

               Energate Solar   2205                                  

               Energport Inc    2752                                  

               Energy Code Ace             2442                                  

               Energy Solutions and Supplies LLC           1843                                  

               Energy Toolbase              2617                                  

               EnergyBillCruncher         1839                                  

               EnergyScape Renewables            3239                                  

               EnlogEU GmbH 2142                                  

               EnPowered         1844                                  

               Enteligent Inc.   2455                                  

               Enverus & RatedPower 223                                    

               Epcon Partners 2145                                  

               EPEC Solutions Inc.         727                                    

               ERA Grup Alüminyum Ltd. Şti     2142                                  

               Ergosun Integrated Solar             2055                                  

               ERI         1050                                  

               ESS Inc. Long Duration Storage   1911                                  

               Eternal Sun        1842                                  

               EV Charge Solutions®     2443                                  

               EverBright, LLC.               1235                                  

               EZ SOLAR            1156                                  

               e-Zinc    2649                                  

               FBD Logistics      215                                    

               Fibox Enclosures              622                                    

               FILMTEC SOLAR PVT LTD              1841                                  

               FlexGen               2605                                  

               Fluence               2925                                  

               Fluke Corporation           1227                                  

               Formal Alüminyum San. ve Tic. A.Ş.         1801                                  

               Fortress Power 2635                                  

               Fortune Energy Distribution        535                                    

               FPR Connectivity Technology Inc              2743                                  

               Fractal EMS        2735                                  

               Fractal Energy Storage Consultants          2834                                  

               Fraenkische USA LP        1542                                  

               FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc.               1925                                  

               Frontier Vacuum LLC      338                                    

               FUJIAN HUAZHEN NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. 339                                    

               GameChange Solar         1515                                  

               Gautam Solar Private Limited     1646                                  

               Geco Legend Renewables            219                                    

               Generac Power Systems Inc        1555                                  

               Geneverse Energy Inc    3121                                  

               Get Solar Labels               1944                                  

               Get The Referral              1422                                  

               GH America Energy        419                                    

               Giga Energy        1040                                  

               GME Supply       3240                                  

               Goldi Sun Private Limited            2200                                  

               Google LLC         649                                    

               GOTIK   2253                                  

               Grape Solar        635                                    

               GrassWorx LLC 518                                    

               Green Hydrogen Coalition & Vehicle-Grid Integration Council      243                                     

               Green World Renewable Energy               2345                                  

               Greenday Finance LLC    118                                    

               GreenPWR Inc. 2155                                  

               Greensun Solar Energy Tech Co., Limited              2653                                  

               Greentech Renewables 1035                                  

               Greenwatts LLC                2340                                  

               GridBeyond        2943                                  

               Gripple Inc.        1421                                  

               GRUNER AG       3053                                  

               G-STAR ENERGY               1346                                  

               Guangdong NRE Technology Co.,Ltd.       520                                    

               Guangzhou Great Power Energy & Technology Co., Ltd. 2543                                  

               Guangzhou Zhiguang Electric Co., Ltd.    2555                                  

               H.B. Fuller Company       134                                    

               Hammond Power Solutions        918                                    

               Hangzhou Gulian Metal Products Co.,Ltd              920                                    

               Hangzhou Zhijiang Silicone Chemicals Co.,Ltd     939                                    

               Helios New Energy Co., Ltd         1847                                  

               HellermannTyton            3156                                  

               Hendrix Aerial Cable Systems     1247                                  

               Heyco Products Corp.    3436                                  

               Hollaender Manufacturing Co.   2444                                  

               Honeywell          2740                                  

               Hongsheng Thermal Systems, Ltd.           2446                                  

               Hounen Solar America Inc.          349                                    

               Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc.               1115                                  

               HSA Energy        1948                                  

               HUAXING Cable USA LLC              119                                    

               Hubbell Renewables       425                                    

               Huff Energy Solutions    3610                                  

               HuksefluxUSA Inc.           1325                                  

               Hybrid Power Solutions                2850                                  

               IBEW/NECA        2453                                  

               Ice Industries     2401                                  

               Imperial Star Solar (Cambodia) Co. LTD 2149                                  

               Indie Energy       2641                                  

               Indji Systems     1344                                  

               Invinity Energy Systems                3048                                  

               INXEPTION         1135                                  

               IronRidge            1705                                  

               iRooFA 1643                                  

               ISA Corporation               1444                                  

               Jiangsu Runergy New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.            141                                    

               JIANGSU TONGLIN ELECTRIC CO., LTD     1122                                  

               JIANGYIN HAOCHENG ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE WIRE AND CABLE CO., LTD.            1453                                            

               JinkoSolar (U.S.) Inc.       2004                                  

               Jobflo    3618                                  

               K2 Systems         3043                                  

               Kalyon PV           2404                                  

               Kern Solar Structures     1527                                  

               KerTec, LLC         2041                                  

               Kinect Solar        318                                    

               Kinetic Solar Racking and Mounting Inc.               2346                                  

               Konark Energy, Inc.         3626                                  

               KORE Power, Inc.             1825                                  

               KOSOL ENERGIE PVT LTD              2135                                  

               KPS Test and Measuring Instruments      356                                    

               Krinner Foundation Systems       2256                                  

               k-Space Associates, Inc.                218                                    

               Kweight Technology Ltd               718                                    

               LandGate            940                                    

               LayTec AG           619                                    

               LG ELECTRONICS, INC.    1448                                  

               Light Efficient Design      2435                                  

               Lindsay Renewables       1341                                  

               Lion Energy        2821                                  

               Lithion Battery Inc.         2921                                  

               LONCIN MOTOR CO.,LTD.             2552                                  

               LONGi Solar Technology (U.S.) Inc            747                                    

               Loveland Innovations     1739                                  

               Lucid Solar         2351                                  

               Lumin   3040                                  

               LuxpowerTek Co., Limited            955                                    

               Lyra Solar            1745                                  

               M Bar C Construction     1850                                  

               Maddox Industrial Transformer 3335                                  

               Mango Power    1935                                  

               Marine Fasteners            1740                                  

               Marstek Energy Co., Limited       2913                                  

               Marvair, Inc. and ICE Divisions    2742                                  

               Maxeon Solar Technologies         3013                                  

               MBJ Solutions GmbH     1747    

               MECANICA CNC 2151

               MERGE Chemistry           2848                                  

               Meyer Burger Americas LTD        3445                                  

               MidNite Power 1323                                  

               Milwaukee Tool               3455                                  

               MK Battery         2621                                  

               Mokun Solar Technology             135                      

               Moment Energy Inc.       3620                                  

               Morningstar Corporation             1840                                  

               MP Consulting LLC          2155                                  

               muGrid Analytics             2741                                  

               Nanjing C&D Clean Energy Co., Ltd          1025                                  

               NEP       2235                                  

               Nevados              1353                                  

               New Era Electric              953                                    

               New Source Energy Pty Ltd         6400                                  

               Next Wave Energy Monitoring, Inc.         724                                    

               NINGBO WEELINK NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1053                                  

               North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)            3341                                  

               North American Clean Energy    519                                    

               Novasys Greenergy Private Limited         1524                                  

               Nucor    1715                                  

               Nuvation Energy              2613                                  

               nVent    3049                                  

               OEC USA INC      2240                                  

               OMG Roofing Products 934                                    

               OneSource Distributors                3141                                  

               Ontility 1225                                  

               Opsun System Inc.          127                                    

               OptConnect       1222                                  

               Origami Solar, Inc.           2141                                  

               Oxford Intelligent Energy Co Ltd               714                                    

               Oztek | Trystar 2805                                  

               Pacific Coast Wire and Cable      635                                    

               Paige Renewable Energy              1249                                  

               Paladin Power Inc.          935                                    

               Pandell An ESG Company             617                                    

               PanelClaw, Inc. 2252                                  

               Parasol Structures Inc.   2538                                  

               Paykeeper Inc.   1946                                  

               Pegasus Solar    2335                                  

               Philadelphia Solar           1315                                  

               Phoenix Renewable Services      1543                                  

               Pivvot, Inc.         1738                                  

               Planet Plan Sets               3338                                  

               Planet Solarity   2143                                  

               PointGuard Energy         2652                                  

               Polar Power Inc.              1125                                  

               POSH Energy     3634                                  

               Power Electronics           2105                                  

               PowerDev Inc.   3600                                  

               PowerField Energy Inc. 1548                                  

               Premier Energies Limited             643                                    

               Premier Water Cleaning Systems             1941                                  

               PremiumCAD Solar         3622                   

               PromaX Solar Machinery 2153 

               Prysmian Group North America                220                                    

               PV Complete      1853                                  

               pv magazine USA            124                                    

               PV Tech; Energy Storage News   140                                    

               PVcase 1535                                  

               PXiSE Energy Solutions 2749                                  

               PY Composites Co., Limited         3606                                  

               Pylon Technologies Co., Ltd.        739                                    

               Pytes USA Energy Inc     815                                    

               PZSE Structural Engineers, Inc.   3438                                  

               Quickbase          527                                    

               QuickBOLT          2249                                  

               QUZHOU LONGDING AUTO PARTS CO., LTD.        922                                    

               RAND PV             1441                                  

               Raptor Maps      1338                                  

               RAYZON SOLAR PRIVATE LIMITED             2301                                  

               RCT Power Energy Technology Corporation         2723                                  

               REC Americas    2317                                  

               Reliable Power, Inc.        2757                                  

               RENA Technologies GmbH           1540                                  

               Renewable Energy Solutions       1639                                  

               Renogy X            1455                                  

               ReportAll USA   540                                    

               RJE Tech Co.,Ltd               639                                    

               Roller Die + Forming       2350                                  

               Rolls Battery Engineering             3451                                  

               Roof Tech Inc.    3152                                  

               Rosendin Electric, Inc.    1419                                  

               Roxtec Inc.         449                                    

               ROYPOW Technology Co., Ltd.    2705                                  

               S-5!        3027                                  

               Saber Power Services, LLC           242                                    

               Safety Hoist Company    128                                    

               Safety Rail Company       1123                                  

               Saginaw Control & Engineering 123                                    

               SalesRabbit        938                                    

               Savant 1054                                  

               SBRM Insurance              1048                                  

               Scanifly Inc.        1443                                  

               Schletter NA, Inc.            3241                                  

               Schneider Electric           2731                                  

               Seaward Electronic         1223                                  

               SEG Solar Inc.    1318                                  

               Senkox Technologies Inc.             2854                                  

               SEVEN Sensor Solutions               1324                                  

               SFC Energy AG   2048                                  

               Shandong Goldencell Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd       1651                                  

               SHENZHEN ACE BATTERY CO., LTD.           822                                    

               Shenzhen ACT Industrial Co.,Ltd._           1239                                  

               SHENZHEN BAK ENERGY CO., LTD._         723                                    

               Shenzhen Cyclen Technology Co.,Ltd       1023                                  

               SHENZHEN DAIPUSEN NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD        1551                                  

               Shenzhen Foxpower Technology Co., Ltd              1645                                  

               Shenzhen Green Jiayuan Technology Co.,Ltd.      1224                                  

               Shenzhen Growatt New Energy Co., Ltd 1817                                  

               Shenzhen GSL Energy Co., Ltd.   2044                                  

               Shenzhen Hailei New Energy Co.,Ltd.      1348                                  

               Shenzhen Lianguang Communication Technology CO.,LTD.           2651                                  

               Shenzhen Lithium Valley Technology Co.,Ltd       1019                                  

               Shenzhen Lithtech Energy Co.,Ltd            1014                                  

               Shenzhen Lytran Technology Co., Ltd.     1015                                  

               Shenzhen Max Li-Power Energy Technology        1114                                  

               Shenzhen Megarevo Technology Co., Ltd.             415                                    

               Shenzhen RePower Times Technology Co.,Ltd     1218                                  

               Shenzhen Senergy Technology Co., Ltd. 1545                                  

               Shenzhen Topway New Energy Co.,Ltd   1848                                  

               Shenzhen Total Future Technology Co. Ltd           625                                    

               Shenzhen WKSP Power Technology Co., Ltd_      120                                    

               Shockflo Innovation Co.,Ltd        2550                                  

               Shuangdeng Group Co.,Ltd         539                                    

               SIBA Fuses LLC   2844                                  

               SIC DIVISIONE ELETTRONICA S.R.L           841                                    

               Sicame Group    1149                                  

               SINO-AMERICAN SILICON PRODUCTS INC.            525                                    

               SiteCapture        139                                    

               Sitetracker          2054                                  

               Skyfri Corp.        1600                                  

               Smappee            2551                                  

               Smart Solar Technologies             2219                                  

               Smartech International LP           1319                                  

               Smartville           3640                                  

               Snake Tray          1518                                  

               SnapNrack          3342                                  

               Snoball 3138                                  

               Socomec NAM 2247                                  

               SolaDeck             3339                                  

               Solar Builder/ Benjamin Media 222                                    

               Solar Connections International               2242                                  

               Solar Data Pros Inc.        1938                                  

               Solar Depot LLC               3035                                  

               Solar Installation Machines, LLC               1552                                  

               Solar Insure, Inc.             2251                                  

               Solar Patios and Structures         253                                    

               Solar4America by Solarjuice       2119                                  

               SolarCleano       1601                                  

               SolarEdge Technologies                1215                                  

               SolaReef Inc.      3604                                  

               SOLAREVER USA              335                                    

               Solargik Ltd.       618                                    

               SolarGrade         3612                                  

               SolarisKit            3624                                  

               Sol-Ark 2525                                  

               SolarLetters.com             3602                                  

               Solarlink Group Inc.        548                                    

               SolarNets            2243                                  

               Solarpanelrecycling.com              1418                                  

               SolarPod             1743                                  

               SolarSpace Technology Co., Ltd.               3021                                  

               SolarView           1838                                  

               SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co. , Ltd.    2713                                  

               Soligent Distribution      1523                                  

               Solis Inverters    1335                                  

               Sollega Inc.         3457                                  

               SOLO, LLC           3127                                  

               Sol-REIT, LLC       1635                                  

               SOLRITE              1635                                  

               Soltec    720                                    

               Solvari Solar       1749                                  

               Southern States LLC        1943                                  

               SPAN     1505                                  

               Spitzer Energy   2748                                  

               Staubli Electrical Connectors, Inc.            735                                    

               STIF France         2347                                  

               SUMEC Energy Holdings Co., Ltd.             915                                    

               Sumitomo Electric          3044                                  

               SumoQuote       1949                                  

               Sunbelt Solomon             2341                                  

               SunGoldPower 421                                    

               SunGrid Solutions           825                                    

               Sunhub               122                                    

               SunModo Corp.               1435                                  

               Sunreport           1342                                  

               SunSpark Technology Inc.            2148                                  

               Sunvoy 1439                                  

               Sustain it Global              844                                    

               Suzhou Hengmei Electron Technology Inc.           1118                                  

               Suzhou HORAD New Energy Equipment Co., Ltd.              621                                    

               Suzhou NIUERA Energy Co.,Ltd 2546                                  

               Suzhou Shengcheng Solar Equipment Co., Ltd.    1349                                  

               Suzhou Talesun Solar Technologies Co., Ltd.        343                                    

               TE Connectivity                2825                                  

               TECTONIC           2448                                  

               Terabase Energy              534                                    

               Tigo Energy        114                                    

               TI-LANE PRECISION ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD              1116                                  

               TOENERGY TECHNOLOGY HANGZHOU CO., LTD 1049                                  

               Topband             751                                    

               TorcSill Foundations LLC               1042                                  

               Trimark Associates          2643                                  

               TROES Corp.      1044                                  

               TRUMPF Huettinger, Inc.              2745                                  

               TSGC Technologies Inc. 3608                                  

               TWAICE Battery Analytics Software         3055                                  

               TWS Technology LLC       2035                                  

               Ulbrich Solar Technologies, Inc. 2142                                  

               Unicorn Solar Inc.           1243                                  

               Unirac, Inc.         1604                                  

               United Structural Design, LLC     1450                                  

               UPS Solar Enerji San. Tic. A. Ş     348                                    

               UtilityAPI Inc.    2500                                  

               VASO Energy Solutions 3638                                  

               VesprSolar, Inc. 2241                                  

               Victron Energy 2625                                  

               Voltronic Power Technology Corp.           2535                                  

               VON ARDENNE North America, Inc.         942                                    

               VSUN SOLAR      1647                                  

               Waaree Energies Limited             2425                                  

               WAGO Corporation         2246                                  

               WATTSUP           215                                    

               Westrafo Srl       1849                                  

               Wolong Electric Group Co., Ltd. 325                                    

               WORD Rock Drills            843                                    

               WTEC Energy     956                                    

               WTIwireless       2344                                  

               Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd.         819                                    

               Xendee                2447                                  

               XIAMEN JOINT TECH.CO.,LTD      2654                                  

               Xiamen SET Electronics Co., Ltd 1641                                  

               XIAMEN SHUNFA TRAD 238                                    

               Yingkou Jinchen Machinery Co., Ltd        1955                                  

               Yotta Energy      2517                                  

               ZHEJIANG XINGHUO MACHINERY & ELECTRIC FACTORY 1549                                  

               Zhengde Hanyuan (Shenzhen) Technology Co. ,Ltd.          1442                                  

               ZHONGSHAN GUOGUANG NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.              2549                                  

               Zhuhai Jingding Technology Co., LTD       1855                                  

               Zitara Technologies, Inc.               2945                                  


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