23.01.2025 - Aluminyumcuyuz & Alüminyum üzerine güncel bilgiler

Alcoa steadily continues reshaping upstream


Yazarın şu ana kadar yazılmış 147 makalesi bulunuyor.

Alcoa has introduced that it plans to curtail 443,000 metric tons per 12 months (mtpy) of alumina refining capability at Suralco in Suriname.

As well as, the corporate and the Authorities of Suriname have agreed to pursue a transaction for a Authorities-owned entity to amass the Suralco operations.

The curtailment and potential transaction are in keeping with Alcoa’s latest announcement to overview upstream capability for doable curtailment or divestiture and the corporate’s strategic aim to create a globally aggressive commodity enterprise. The curtailment, which represents one digester, is predicted to be full by April 30, 2015.

“Decreasing the manufacturing of the refinery will help in extending the lifetime of the operations as we proceed to work with the Authorities of Suriname on the transaction,” stated Bob Wilt, President Alcoa World Main Merchandise. “We’re dedicated to working with the Authorities to search out the perfect answer for the Suralco facility.”

  1. Heaven dedi ki:

    I’m rellay into it, thanks for this great stuff!


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